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So yeah, the host of Lincoln Nebraska’s Zoolarious at the world famous Zoo Bar, Brad Stewart joins us. This 20+ year comedy veteran tells us a tale of teen anguish- 13yo love poetry, mixtape and PUBLIC HUMILIATION.
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Happy PRIDE! This episode we are joined by the lovely Waylon Werner-Bassen AKA the reigning queen diva of Nebraska, Mrs. Yuka Layme! It’s a tale we can all relate to, shoe leather tastes so familiar.
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The front man for EckoPhonic, Brian Eckleberry joins us to talk about hubris, downfall, grief and of course Pussy Control.
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On this episode, Executive Sous Chef at TD Ameritrade Chris Meyers joins us to talk food and baseball and mostly about Tater Tots- Giant effing Tater Tots… Cullen, Monty and Theresa can barely contain themselves. Oh and Chris blah, blah blas a national tragedy and makes a woman feel terrible!
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Well, what a treat! The Prodigal Weisenheimers has returned! We’re joined by former Weisenheimer and awesome lady Melissa Saunders! She tells us that Disney is a fun filled place– and she was filled with a lot more than fun!