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Nebraska State Senator Wendy Deboer joins Cullen, Theresa and Monty and explains how a bill becomes a law and how a Doctoral candidate becomes a… candidate? Anyway, along the way we hear some poetry.
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The Omaha comedy legends are back for a one-night stand at the Omaha Community Playhouse! The Weisenheimers have made thousands laugh across the midwest for over 20 years! Their unique brand of improvisation is fast, funny and smart.
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In this episode illustrator, improvisor and actress Tracie Mauk takes us to H-E-L-L in a hand dryer! That’s right it’s a tale of grade school name calling that goes straight to hell!
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This episode we are joined by our very good friend and Duke of comedy, Nick Rowley! Nick, tells us a classic story of boy meets girls, boy alienates girl, boy forgets girl and then lets girl know he forgot her.
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Happy Christmas! It’s our 18th episode! The End of our first year of podcasting! Season 1 in the Books! In this episode Theresa Sindelar, Monty Eich and Cullen Chollett each share the story of their worst Christmas- then make up a totally worse one!