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Founding member of the Weisenheimers and current symbol of motherhood Jennifer Smedley from #imomsohard joins us. She talks about moving on to bigger things and about that time she left her wingman empty handed, you’ll be hooked!
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This episode we welcome the multi-talented, multi-dimensional mover and shaker Beaufield Berry to the show, her embarrassing moment is still cooler than anything we’ve ever done. If this doesn’t make you want her as your life coach, you’re crazy.
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Actor, director, educator, administrator, bow-tie enthusiast, Anthony Clark-Kaczmarek once again proves to the Weisenheimers that there is nothing worse than middle-school girls.
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Monty’s best friend Robb Blum and co-host of the new podcast I’m Right and He’s Robb (imrightandhesrobb.podbean.com) joins us in the special episode to talk about health, bosses and the importance of medical tape.
News »
We are very happy and proud to once again be nominated for an 8th Omaha Entertainment and Arts Award! This marks our 8th nomination in the OEAA’s 13 year history. The other groups nominated are very talented and work very hard to bring quality comedy to Omaha and the surrounding communities!