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This week! Anthony King (www.stitcher.com/podcast/home-school-film-school @thebasementonahill ) joins us at the start of the school year to tell us his tale of Horror! A lone freshman drummer stalked by lactose!
Want to be a part of this? Share your story? Email us at Worse@weisenheimers.com
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Hey look we’re back! Sorry about the wait- BIG things happened- Monty Moved, Theresa is still bear hunting and Cullen had a birthday. In this episode Theresa takes a tun and tells the story of how she reached out for help– only to have reached out the wrong way!
EMAIL US: worse@weisenheimers.com
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Founding member of the Weisenheimers, Renaissance man, Musical improv legend, Matt Geiler ( www.mattgeiler.com ) talks about the time he blew an audition, wrecked a truck and ruined a copier. (Plus we talk Comedy Festivals, good friends and how we all do insulting impressions of each other.
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Recorded Live! In this episode we are joined by award winning Shakespearean sound designer and bad-ass rock goddess Molly Welsh. She tells us about a time when she thought she was alone and free, and ended up neither.