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Executive Coach, Leadership Guru and Improvisor Sarah Noll Wilson joins us from Des Moines to talk what makes a bad manager, what makes a good one… and about her secret shame: not remembering your name! Find out more about Sarah –
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Wow, in this episode we talk to the always loveable Steve Krambeck (aka Bob Cratchit, Shrek and many others at the Omaha Community Playhouse stage) tells us a story about a young impresional lad who does something dumb and is punished by 3 ghosts, sorry actors, three fellow actors. He learned a valuable lesson, and we did too. Big thanks to Steve for being vulnerable, and admitting to doing something he is not proud of. Special thanks to Marv Pratt for filling in this episode!
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On this episode were joined by President of the Weisenheimer Fan Club Jennifer Peters to talk about her new project High Hopes Care Center ( to tell us an emBAREASSing story of a lunch gone wrong at a new job! It’s the story of of a young professional left exposed by the dress code!
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This time Chicago trained improvisor, Canadian, in and Bay Area transplant Tim Whetham tells the tail of quoting Mel Brooks during sensitivity training. Grab your Avril Lavigne Poster and tack it up in your quad!