Articles tagged with: Corporate
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Improv comedy from Omahas comedy pioneers! Cullen Chollett, Monty Eich and Theresa Sindelar performing Corporate Comedy for a private party in omaha
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Improv Comedy from Omaha troupe the Weisenheimers. The gang performs “World’s Worst,” for a compant event. Good Corporate entertainment from America’s Favorite Improv Troupe.
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Improv Comedy Matt and Monty are holding the mayo and a lot of unresolved issues. the ABCs performed in Ida Grove, IA for UNited Bank of Iowa
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A Teller (Monty) merely wants to count the money in drawer and be done, but his Co-worker (Teresa, her cosmo, Francine,and Mr. Smithsin (Matt) have other ideas. A tale of love, money…
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The Weisenheimers perform the improv game hesitation for the Omaha chapter of the IABC (International Association of Business Communicators). Matt Geiler and Monty Eich explore new levels of awkwardness.