Articles tagged with: Podcast
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On this episode were joined by President of the Weisenheimer Fan Club Jennifer Peters to talk about her new project High Hopes Care Center ( to tell us an emBAREASSing story of a lunch gone wrong at a new job! It’s the story of of a young professional left exposed by the dress code!
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This time Chicago trained improvisor, Canadian, in and Bay Area transplant Tim Whetham tells the tail of quoting Mel Brooks during sensitivity training. Grab your Avril Lavigne Poster and tack it up in your quad!
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This episode we are joined by Tom Booker from Austin Texas! Tom has done a lot of improv and a lot of sketch and scripted comedy. He worked with a lot of amazing people… but he never got to work with the Kids in the Hall.
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The main man at Dunkin’ in the 402, Bryce Bares joins us to talk about the twist and turns he took in his career and about the time misjudged the seriousness of an East Texas RSVP