Articles tagged with: video
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Defending their mantle at the Cagematch the gang take on Sweden in this Long form improv in Omaha Nebraska
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The Weisenheimers ( a Short Improv group from Omaha Nebrasksa) defend their Cagematch title with the help of founding member Matt Geiler
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The Weisenheimers (a short form improv group from Omaha Nebraska) berform their first long form improv show at the Backline Theatre! It’s part of a Comedy Cagematch!
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Omaha Comedy Impov Group the Weisenheimers perform at the Pizza Shoppe in Benson. Theresa Sindelar and Cullen Chollett act out a scene (going to a rock concert) with every changing genres of film, theater and Television in this classic improv game.
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Omaha Comedy Impov Group the Weisenheimers perform at the Pizza Shoppe in Benson. Monty Eich, Theresa Sindelar and Cullen Chollett act out the same scene (a Doctor’s visit) three times. Once with sadness, the next as 47 year olds and finally as Croats in this classic improv game.