Articles tagged with: video
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Improv Comedy from Omaha troupe the Weisenheimers. The gang performs “World’s Worst,” for a compant event. Good Corporate entertainment from America’s Favorite Improv Troupe.
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Improv Comedy from Omaha troupe the Weisenheimers. Monty Eich and Melissa Saunders provide dialouge while Theresa Sindelar and Cullen Chollett act out the “movie.”
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Improv comedy from Omaha Nebraska, the Weisenheimers play the improv game “Film Review.” Cullen Chollett and Melissa Saunder act it out, while Monty Eich lays out the plot.
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The Weisenheimers play the classic Good Cop / Bad Cop with Melissa Saunders assuming the First Position and Monty Eich trains for title of World’s strongest. Cullen Chollett does his best to guess as the insanity whirls around him.
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Improv comedy from the Weisenheimers as Monty Eich plays good ol’ George and Melissa Saunders plays a disgruntled Martha in the improv game, First Line / Last Line