Articles tagged with: video
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Improv Comedy Fundraiser for Matumaini Child care for the Knock Foundation. Knock Foundation is dedicated to creating opportunities for underserved populations in the developing world. By working closely with the affected communities, Knock develops comprehensive, self-sustaining and holistic practices designed to alleviate poverty and its attendant problems. Our work stems from an abiding belief that to reach one’s full potential, every human being must have the opportunity to pursue an education, practice healthy living and exist in a clean environment.
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The Weisenheimers have Answers. The question: “How was dancing invented?” The answer is uhm… disturbing.
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Matt and Theresa re-inact the most famous act of vandalism in American History is several genres.
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The Weisenheimers lectured at the PS Collective in Omaha. The biblical question was answered with the Weisenheimers dramatic re-enactment.