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[25 Sep 2018 | No Comment | ]

Eight OEAA

We are very happy and proud to once again be nominated for an 8th Omaha Entertainment and Arts Award! This marks our 8th nomination in the OEAA’s 13 year history. The other groups nominated are very talented and work very hard to bring quality comedy to Omaha and the surrounding communities!

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[10 Sep 2018 | No Comment | ]

This week! Anthony King ( @thebasementonahill ) joins us at the start of the school year to tell us his tale of Horror! A lone freshman drummer stalked by lactose!
Want to be a part of this? Share your story? Email us at

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[2 Sep 2018 | No Comment | ]

It Could Be Worse 12 Theresa Sindelar

Hey look we’re back! Sorry about the wait- BIG things happened- Monty Moved, Theresa is still bear hunting and Cullen had a birthday. In this episode Theresa takes a tun and tells the story of how she reached out for help– only to have reached out the wrong way!